After five successful years in Taiwan, the singing extravaganza Asian Million Star premiered on Hong Kong with help from the highly versatile, frequency-agile AKG DMS 700 wireless microphone system. The wildly popular television show, which started months before the on-air premier with 5,000 aspiring singers, featured 25 contestants competing over the course of 13 episodes, with a panel of judges selecting the best vocal performers to move on to the finale.
Judges for the show included an array of respected audio and musical professionals ranging from creative composers to studio producers. With some of the most finely tuned ears in the business deciding the fate of each performer, the AKG DMS 700 system matched musical talent with sonic integrity. Not only does the clean digital audio transmission eliminate the distortion and significant noise levels that accompany other analogue systems, but it also offers 155MHz of bandwidth, which provides a robust and versatile operation that’s perfectly suited for a competition like Asian Million Star. Also, the DMS 700 has the ability with 40 pre-programmed frequencies, which allowed it to easily transition between any and every musical style on the show.
“The AKG DMS 700 was specifically engineered for applications like Asian Million Star”, said Thomas Stubics, AKG’s Product Marketing Manager for Recording and Broadcast. “Whether it’s being used for a ballad, an orchestra, or any other type of musical performance, the DMS 700 is perfectly suited with digital transmission that allows any type of performer to sound like a professional every time.”
The move to Hong Kong offered Asian Million Star its first chance to use AKG’s DMS 700 wireless audio system, with Tom Lee Engineering supplying the equipment. After 30-years of experience in the industry, the professional audio and lighting company had confidence in the abilities of the AKG equipment.
“The DMS 700 has an ease-of-use unmatched by any other brand,” continued Stubics. “Even first-time audio performers have the ability to set the right channels and deliver uninterrupted performances, without having to worry about intricate system settings.”
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/ Asian Million Star Uses The AKG DMS 700 To Shine Bright On Hong Kong TV
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