NORTHRIDGE, California – Harman Pro today announced that their Danish distribution will now be with a new company, set up by their long-serving Norwegian resellers, LydRommet A/S. The newly-formed operation commenced trading on April 1st and will take up occupancy of a new 1200 sq. meter facility in Arhus effective from May 1st. LydRommet Denmark is majority-owned by LydRommet (under the proprietorship of Joachim Wille) and Flemming Bjerke, the company’s high-profile executive director.
The move follows the demise of the previous Harman Pro distributor in Denmark. Seasoned industry veterans have been incorporated into the new staff set up, including Mogens Nørgaard, who will handle pro sales, and Helle Scherfeldt, who will head installation sales. Flemming Bjerke, who relocates from the company’s Oslo base will be responsible for business and pro audio is key to the operation.
“The dream of expanding into a neighboring territory had always been an ambition if not an active strategy of mine,” said Bjerke.
“I relish the challenge. We have enjoyed a long relationship with the Harman Pro brands since the early days and this is one of the reasons for us being chosen to represent the company in Denmark.”
“Several interested parties, submitted business plans,” said Scott Robbins, Vice President of Sales, Harman Professional,” but the proposal put forward by LydRommet, we believed, offered the best service to customers in Denmark and the best representation of the brands. LydRommet have enjoyed a long association with Soundcraft and have been a full Harman Pro distributor for at least five years.”
However, there were issues that needed to be addressed before the appointment was confirmed, notably that Norway is not a member of the European Union. “LydRommet setting up a brand new operation solved this problem. However it was, at the same time, appealing to us,” said Robbins.
Bjerke also noted the trading differentials between the two countries, stating that Denmark’s closer proximity to Europe meant that the market needed to be much more price competitive. He believes Denmark will offer increased high-end installation opportunities, which will enable them to create greater exposure for the Harman Pro portfolio.
“This is a challenge we will meet head on,” said Bjerke. “Our focus will be on sales and logistics and our goal is to become a national point of competence for the Danish pro audio market. We will fully support all existing sales and installations with a staffing level that will be expanding rapidly. We will draw on the experience of Norway but it is important to remember that this is a Danish company and will function as such.”
Lydrommet A/S will start shipping products from all seven Harman Pro brands (excluding Studer) in late April.
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