“With multiple ensembles performing each night, all with a variety of instrumentation, the Vi4’s ‘show and cue’ feature provides a great advantage as I no longer need to incorporate copious notes and markings from the sound-checks,” said Rosenthal. “With a simple push of a button, I can recall each setting for individual performances saving me valuable time and allowing me to really concentrate on the quality of sound.”
Rosenthal maximizes the Vi4’s capabilities and utilizes the wealth of options to record performances as well as distribute the feeds to various locations in the University as well. Rosenthal comments, “Having the opportunity to work on the Vi4 has been a blessing and I can’t imagine ever going back to the limitations of analog mixing. The Vi4 has opened so many doors that I compare it to coming out of a cave and seeing light for the first time.”
The Vi4 offers countless features including access of up to 72 inputs on 24 faders, with a total of 35 output busses available for use as masters, groups, auxes or matrices. The Vi4 also provides users with two of the most popular features from the Soundcraft Vi6, such as the highly acclaimed Vistonics™ II touch-screen user interface and Soundcraft FaderGlow™ fader function display.
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