Outdoor concert goers were recently entertained in Delhi by touring French song and dance troupe ‘Breizh Side Soriou’. The 47-member troupe performed through a Soundcraft Si3 digital console and PA company, Dhawan Electrical Pvt. Ltd of Delhi, also supplied a JBL loudspeaker rig comprising VRX932LA compact arrays and SRX 728S subwoofers powered by Crown IT4000 amplification. The onstage monitor system included JBL SRX 712M’s with JBL SRX 725’s in use for side fill coverage.
Yogesh Dhawan, Director of Dhawan Electrical comments, “The troupe’s French FOH Engineer, Mr. Paul Schneiter, found the Si3 to be very user-friendly and he quickly learned the board’s features and was very comfortable mixing in no time. By the time we finished the one-hour sound check, he was very familiar with the entire desk and its features.“
Yogesh added, “The Si3 easily managed the 18 mic inputs for the show and all four onboard Lexicon processors were employed throughout. The mixer is as easy to use as any analogue console and the only difference being that the audio quality is far better than any console I have ever used. Also, the Soundcraft FaderGlow™ and OLED displays make a huge difference for the engineer operating the desk and I sincerely believe that this is a multi purpose desk that can be used anywhere without hesitation.”
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/ Soundcraft Si3™ Mixes French and Indian Culture
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